Monday, May 5, 2008

Metal Meets Alloy + new Indy 4 trailer

Ok, well I was kind of putting off this post because I wasn’t sure how to expression my opinion in words.

Ironman was all in all a great film. The character was superbly written. Cocky and condescending. Its cleverly written and very anti-war pro-peace, portrayed with violence and science. I don’t want to go in and explain the plot because I’m likely to go spoiler nuts and make you read a huge block of text. So here is my Pro Con list for the movie, starting with con.


  1. The pacing sucked. It just kind of went everywhere all at once and it annoyed me. It settled out fine in the end, but the beginning just drove me nuts.
  2. It was portrayed in all the trailers as a BOOM EXPLODE IRONMAN MAKE BOOOOM type of movie, and i wanted to see IRONMAN MAKE BOOOOOM! There were some explosions, but it was advertised as a kind of free-for-all explosion frenzy where Ironman was like “Hulk go smash!” Except he isn’t the Hulk. But he still would go smash. It’s good that they focused mainly on the plot, but it didn’t seem to have a good balance of both.


  1. Amazing dialog, acting, graphics, and camera angles. I was stunned.
  2. The music score was intense. Brain pounding metal, heck yes!
  3. The overall story line was very good. It seemed like I’ve seen it ten thousand times before, but it was originalized enough for it not to matter.

So, it’s super awesome. It should totally been seen in the theaters, especially one with surround sound and HD screens.

In other news, tagged onto the Ironman movie was a new trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. In this trailer, Indy himself gives a voice over explaining the Crystal Skulls. Then we get a better sense of the plot when his new nemesis, (A soviet! AHA!) has captured him and commands him to bring her the skull.

So, it seems that most of my predictions were correct so far. I called the Soviet thing 3 years ago. And that someone would want something of great importance and try to get Indy’s help. Of course, we all know Jones isn’t going to help the Russians. I personally think that once he refuses to help them, they decide to go on their own, sing a more brutal force than he would have, thus causing him to go after them and get the skull before they do to stop them.

The Movie of the Month is coming later this week!

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